"Karen" Ghost Haunts Local Pizzeria
When Pete Zuhria opened Pete Zuhria's Pizzeria in Point Borough, he knew that there might be times he would have to deal with difficult customers, but he never thought he'd be haunted by one. The property was previously leased to Tom Aitopy who ran Tom Aitopy's Tomato Pies. It is believed that the ghost was once a customer of the former establishment. "I've got nothing against ghosts," said Zuhria, "The problem is that in life this ghost was a Karen." A "Karen" is a person who has an extreme sense of entitlement. Karens feel they deserve special treatment and become angered when they think they are being slighted, even when they aren't. It can be quite annoying to encounter a Karen in the wild. Zuhria says that his ghost Karen can be just as annoying. "We never know when the ghost will pop up, "said Zuhria. "I could be getting a pizza ready for someone and she's suddenly screaming, 'I said no pepperoni! Where'...