Point Borough Man's Stool Samples Extremely Popular

John Loo has become famous for his stools. The carpenter from Point Pleasant Borough makes many types of furniture, but it is his stools that are the most popular. Recently, his stools reached number 2 as the most purchased furniture item on the Etsy web site. 

Loo believes that his practice of sending out stool samples to potential customers has been responsible for his success. "There's always some leftover scraps when I make a stool, so I cut them up into little logs, and finish them exactly as I would a stool. Then, I send them out free to anyone who wants one. When they see the quality of the finish in the stool sample, more often than not they'll want to order a full stool."

So far, Loo has resisted hiring anyone else to help make stools. "I think customers like knowing where their stools come from. They don't just want anyone's stools in their homes. If I hire other people to make stools, I lose some control of the quality of the product. The last thing I want is for someone to order one of my stools and say, 'It stinks!'"

Loo says the best time for him to make a good stool is after a big meal. "Whether it's breakfast, lunch or dinner, after I eat I sometimes have to practically run to my workshop to make a stool. I'll drop a log on my workbench and get to work carving a new stool. It's actually pretty strenuous work. My neighbor has said he sometimes walks by my workshop and can hear me straining and grunting and thinks, 'John must be making a stool.' But once I've produced the perfect stool, I know the effort is worth it."

The John Loo's stools are of such high quality that they can be stamped as official Certified Artisan and Craftsman of America (CACA) products, which is quite prestigious for furniture makers. Loo says, "It means a lot to be able to put that label on my creations. People should know that when they see CACA they're looking at a quality stool"

The stools come in a variety of colors including dark brown, medium brown, light brown, and occasionally green. In addition to selling his stools online, John Loo will have his stools on display at this year's Festival of the Sea in Point Beach. "I always enjoy seeing the expressions on people's faces when they see my stools. They've never seen anything like them! They can really appreciate the quality of my stools and see how solid they are. They're not like some wobbly, poorly formed stools you'll sometimes see. There's nothing worse than loose stools."

Loo said that this year his wife Netty will be joining him in his stall. "Netty is an excellent baker and will be selling loaves of her multigrain bread at the Festival. It's the softest bread you've ever tried. So after you've eaten your lobster or crab cakes, be sure to stop by and pinch a loaf. When you see how soft it is, you'll want to take a few loaves home with you."

The next few months will be very busy for John Loo. "I have to get ready for the Festival and some other events I'm doing. I'll be producing a lot of stool samples and stools. Then I have to get ready for the holiday season. I love my work, but by the end of the year, I'm pooped!"


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