Point Pleasant Council Member Quits During Recent Meeting
Point Borough Council member, Guy Izzaquitter, resigned at a recent meeting. He read a prepared speech and then left the meeting room.
"Frederick Nietzsche said, 'And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.' I firmly believe this is the perfect time to take my leave of you." Izzaquitter then walked out of the meeting room, but returned a minute later when he realized he had forgotten his hat.
Assistant to the mayor, Holden DeLine, said, "What was Mr. Izzaquitter talking about? Something about dancing? I never really noticed him before tonight."
Guy Izzaquitter said that he thinks he made his point. "I think my message was perfectly clear. Anyone who doesn't like me will take it one way. Anyone who does like me will take it another. Anyone who knows me will understand exactly what I meant. Anyone who I see in the supermarket will probably not know that I said it. Anyone who doesn't speak English will not know what I said. Anyone who..." Mr. Izzaquitter continued with other examples for the next ten minutes.
Holden DeLine said that Mr. Izzaquitter won't be missed and that a temporary replacement has already been found. "The mayor asked former council member, Ima Backagain, to fill-in. She just seemed like the perfect choice to return for a while."
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